DeGood Family – Kingwood, Tx

The Degood family contacted us via social media looking to receive a design and quote from us to compare them with the other 5 quotes and designs that were initially received before ours. Out of all competitors, our design and quote were the ones that were selected to move forward. Once finalizing the design, we then obtained permits for the new construction pool to move forward with the process. The project consisted of a swimming pool and spa, geometric, spa spillway, Tanning ledge, 2 bubblers on tanning ledge, 5 pool lights and 1 spa light color changing, raised wall with 2 different levels, 2 columns on each end of raised wall, 3 scuppers, veneer stone on raised wall, wireless system, plaster stone scapes- French grey, spray deck on the outside area, tree removal in the back yard, and landscaping package.


New Construction


Kingwood Texas

DeGood Family gallery

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